Students’ Responsibilities

Our congregation’s philosophy has always been (and remains) a commitment to work with each child as an individual. We have no mold in which we try to fit every child. Rather, we hope that each child will:

Bat Mitzvah Girl
(click to view larger)

  • learn how to daven part or all of the service
  • learn to layn (read) Torah
  • learn to chant a Haftarah
  • develop ideas on his/her portion, which will be transmitted through a D’var Torah written by the student in conjunction with Rabbi Allen.
  • practice as directed between tutoring sessions

In our participatory congregation, we encourage the Bar/Bat Mitzvah to take place within the context of our congregation’s service.  Bar/Bat Mitzvah students may lead three of the four major Shabbat services and read five of the seven Torah aliyot

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