Mitzvah Project Program

Mitzvah Project Program

As part of the celebration of becoming a Bar/Bat Mitzvah is the added opportunity and awareness of the impact you can make on the world around you.   You are part of an essential group of young people who, through your learning that leads to action, can make a difference in regard to issues of Social Justice, Tikun Olam.

As a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, you are not alone.  You are a celebrant with your family, with your peers and with your community.   We want you to realize that the effort of one has a tremendous impact, but the coming together of many has an even greater potential

We ask that you decide with your family what project you will be adding to the Simcha of your Bar or Bat Mitzvah.   Remember, the Bar/Bat Mitzvah Handbook contains much useful information in guiding you toward an appropriate choice.   Once you have made your decision, fill in the form below as requested.  We will create for our entire shul community a pamphlet that highlights each of our celebrants in this year and the project that you will be engaged in.   Whether it is something you have already begun, will do in conjunction with your actual Simcha or will work on as an on-going effort, we want your efforts to be included.

You must return this information to the Director of Congregational Learning no later than June 30, 2010 to be included in this publication.  It is important to have everyone included as it is through community that individual ideas find true strength.

Todah Rabbah

Name of Student __________________________________________

Phone # _________________________________

E-mail __________________________________

Please write a one paragraph description of your Mitzvah Project and include the following:

Name of organization

Who is it serving?

What is its mission?

Why did you choose this?

What is important to you about this effort?

Please return to the Director of Congregational Learning
Beth Jacob Congregation
1179 Victoria Curve
Mendota Heights, MN  55118
no later than June 30, 2010

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